Thursday 30 September 2010

SEGERA!!!! Official Google app Voice

TechCrunch melaporkan bahwa Apple telah menyetujui Google Voice aplikasi resmi untuk iPhone. Mengutip "sumber yang dekat ke Google" artikel tersebut menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi telah disetujui dan sekarang hanya menunggu Google untuk memperbarui untuk bekerja dengan iPhone4 dan IOS 4 kemampuan multitasking.Google pertama berusaha untuk merilis aplikasi iPhone asli untuk layanan online teleponi yang musim panas lalu, namun aplikasi itu ditolak oleh Apple , mengutip duplikasi fungsionalitas.Selanjutnya, beberapa pihak ketiga aplikasi Google Voice juga dihapus dari App Store berdasarkan kebijakan-yaitu bahwa aplikasi diduplikasi fitur yang sama yang sudah ada pada iPhone, seperti Telepon dan aplikasi Olahpesan.

Berikutnya publikasi Apple dari set baru pedoman untuk App Store awal bulan ini, beberapa pihak ketiga sebelumnya menolak aplikasi Google suara seperti GV Handphone + telah membuat kemunculan tiba-tiba.Meskipun ada kata resmi belum dirilis pada rencana Google untuk aplikasinya sendiri Google voice untuk iPhone, perusahaan saat ini menyediakan aplikasi asli untuk kedua Blackberry dan platform Android sendiri dan hanya merupakan antarmuka web HTML5 bagi pengguna iPhone. Sebuah aplikasi asli akan mampu menawarkan fitur yang aplikasi berbasis web tidak bisa, seperti Push Pemberitahuan dan integrasi yang lebih dengan aplikasi IOS lain.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

IOS 4.2 beta 2 sekarang tersedia untuk iPhone dan pengembang

Hei , apakah Anda melihat jika Anda seorang pengembang aplikasi iphone , Anda dapat men-download IOS 4.2 beta 2 . saya sekarang melakukan instalasi , dan saya akan memberitahu Anda segera setelah kami melihat apa yang baru - tetapi kami berharap perbaikan beberapa bug jahat saya bisa membaritahu secepatnya.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

stress downgrade ios iphone 4.1 /4.0.1 /4.0.2 ke 4.0 bagi yg lupa save SHSH iphonenya ini solusinya

pagi ini saya memberikan tips bagi kalian khususnya pengguna iphone yang di landa stress berat ketika ingin mencoba mendowngrade versi firmware iphone dari 4.1 ke 4.0
selalu gagal dan mengalami error pada iTunes
hal ini disebabkan karena .1.faktor anda lupa menyimpan SHSH pada iphone anda ketika mengupdate software dari ke 4.0 ke 4.1
disini saya akan membantu bagaimana pemecahan masalahnya tentunya dengan cara yang sangat mudah..mari kita mulai satu persatu tahap-tahapnya

1. Download IOS 4.0.x IPSW firmware file ke komputer Anda .

2. Mengedit, dan menyimpan sistem anda host file , menambahkan baris berikut :
3 pada bagian nomer dua anda pasti binggung dimana saya harus menambah baris pada
host file???? dan dimana letak host file?? tenang disini saya akan menjelaskan
bagaimana caranya mari kita lanjut ke langkah ke -4
4. bagi pengguna windows:ikuti tahap ini
-Arahkan ke C : \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc folder pada PC Anda .

Buka file hosts di Notepad dan tambahkan baris berikut : kemudian save file dengan menekan CTRL + S

Catatan untuk Windows 7 , User Vista: Anda mendapatkan error sebuah ' Akses ditolak ' saat Anda mencoba untuk menyimpan file Host di Notepad . Sebuah karya sekitar untuk masalah ini diberikan oleh Microsoft . Caranya adalah dengan membuka menggunakan Notepad 'Run as administrator' opsi . Untuk melakukan hal ini , pencarian untuk ' Notepad 'di kotak pencarian Start Menu . Klik kanan pada Notepad dan kemudian pilih " Run as administrator ' .

5.bagi pengguna mac ikuti cara ini:
-Buka Finder , lalu pilih ' Pergi ke Folder ... " dari menu Go .

Lalu masukkan / etc dan tekan tombol Go . Cari file host , klik kanan dan membukanya dengan TextEdit .

Tambahkan baris berikut pada akhir berkas hosts :

Lalu klik Save As , dan batalkan pilihan ' txt Jika ekstensi tidak disediakan , gunakan . " sebelum menekan tombol Simpan.

6.setelah selesai semuanya.anda bisa langsung menghubungkan iphone anda ke itunes dan lakukan restore atau downgrade setelah sekian lama anda akan mendapat eror 1015 , 1013 , atau 1011 . Setelah Anda melihat pesan kesalahan , sudah bisa dikonfirmasi bahwa instalasi firmware selesai . dan iphone anda berada pada posisi recovery mode ..anda jangan takut karena sebenarnya software 4.0 sudah berada di dalam iphone anda,,untuk keluar dari recovery mode anda bisa gunakan blackra1n,dan ihsnow,,bisa dicari di google softwarenya

setelah iphone keluar dari recovery mode iphone akan restart dan TADAAAAAAA
software iphone anda kembali ke posisi 4.0
sekian tips dari saya jika ada yg membinggungkan bisa post di baris komen dan saya akan berusaha menjawabnya terimakasih

Tuesday 24 November 2009

iPhone and South Korea..the truth??

The Korean media are hitting out at Apple for “turning their back on Korea”. This is simply not true at all.

Apple would love the iPhone to be sold in Korea, they know a lot of tech savvy Koreans would love to get their hands on the iPhone, they know that there is a huge market in Korea and they know the iPhone will be successful.

The problem is not with Apple. The problem is with the telecom companies in Korea. Both SK and KTF claim to be in talks with Apple, this is quite possibly true. But what they are demanding is the removal of many of the applications that make the iPhone what it is. For example, Korean telecom companies do not want the iPhone to be WIFI enabled. What they want is for Korean users to have to use the internet through their own telephone network. Apple say no to this because it would dramatically slow down the internet speeds and disable many of the sat-nav functions. It would also make using the internet on an iPhone impossibly expensive.

The telecom companies are also demanding that many of the applications available on the iPhone be removed from a Korean iTunes (for example the Skype App). Again, to protect the Korean consumer, Apple are refusing to do this.

The real reason why the iPhone is not coming to Korea in the neat future is not Apple, it is the profit hungry telecom companies who want to make huge profits at the expense of the Korean consumer.

Monday 23 November 2009

Downgrading 2.0 firmware 1st generation iPhone 3.9/4.6 bootloader


Step 1.
Open a Finder window and go to your Music folder and rename the iTunes folder to iTunes backup. This is so you can keep your music, and movies, et cetera, safe during this process.

Step 2.
Delete this folder (you will need to enter your password since it is a system resource).

Delete the iTunes application.

Step 3.
Reboot your Mac.

Step 4.
Click here to download iPhone firmware 1.1.4. Do NOT decompress this ipsw file. I know that Safari is now set by default to open trusted file types. To turn this feature off, go to Preferences, General, and uncheck the box that says "Open "safe" files after downloading".

Step 5.
Download iTunes 7.6.2 which you can get here. You can also use iTunes 7.5.

Install iTunes.
Launch iTunes and set your preferences in the set up assistant.

Step 6.
Plug in your iPhone (which should still be at the activation screen - showing the USB cable pointing to the iTunes logo). You should get this pop up now.

Put the iPhone into DFU mode. Press and hold the Home and Sleep/Wake buttons for 10 seconds. At this point the screen will turn black, and the iPhone will appear to be off.

Continue holding the Home button until a recovery mode graphic pops up via iTunes, then let go of the Home button. You may need to try this more than once if you don't get the recovery mode pop up the first time. It happens, just try again.
Option click the Restore button in iTunes.
Navigate to where you saved the 1.1.4 firmware, select it and click Open.
After the restore is complete you will get a 1015 error most likely. This is normal.

You should now see the old plug into iTunes logo on the iPhone which shows the iPhone end of the cable pointing at the iTunes logo. Close iTunes.

Step 7.
Read and perform my PwnageTool tutorial here. Note: Skip Step 2, and Step 3!

When you get to Step 5 of this tutorial, do not check any of the boxes (like in the screen shot) except Activate phone (as seen below).

Note: You can also skip the part in Step 5 where it talks about bootloader bin files. Since we are only activating at this point, they do not matter.

At the end of the PwnageTool tutorial you will have flashed your own custom 1.1.4 firmware back to the iPhone. You will also be activated and jailbroken. You will not have a cellular signal yet because you are still running 04.05.04_G baseband.

Step 8.
I have only found one method for downgrading the baseband easily. I have done this myself twice with no ill side effects, yet... This program calls itself a "patched" version of iPhone , but it is NOT the actual iPhone program. It will only downgrade your baseband, it will not do ANYTHING else.

I do not endorse the use of the actual iPhone program as it has harmed more iPhones than anyone can count (regardless of what its creator claims). To read more about the DANGEROUS side effects of this program, read this.

You use this patched program completely at your own risk.

The program can be downloaded here.

All you have to do is check the box for Baseband downgrading, then click the Start button.

It will finish in about three minutes. Note: I have also clicked the Start button and the program only said entering recovery mode and displayed no other status for some 10 minutes before it said that it had completed successfully. Do not rush to close the program if you don't get immediate status!

You should now have a cellular signal again. You will be on 1.1.4 firmware, but you will have 1.1.3 baseband (04.03.13_G). You could restore the iPhone again back to 1.1.4 to put the correct baseband on, but you don't have to.

Step 9.
Update iTunes to version 7.7 (or newer). Just before launching iTunes 7.7, rename your iTunes backup folder to iTunes. This will let iTunes 7.7 see your music collection again.

Step 10.
Plug your iPhone back in to iTunes and you should see this pop up. Click Don't Install! You want to put 1.1.4 baseband back on the phone (but you don't have to).

Option click the Restore button and select the original 1.1.4 firmware. If you attempt to do this while in DFU mode you will get error 1600. You can then use iLiberty+ to jailbreak, activate and unlock your iPhone. You can read this tutorial if you don't know how to use iLiberty+, or where to find i

How to Downgrade iPhone Firmware 3.0 to 2.2.1

1. Connect your iPhone to your Mac or PC and select your iPhone from the list of devices in iTunes

2. If iTunes does not detect your iPhone then you will need to put it in DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode.

3. Browse the Summary Tab,

Mac Users,

Hold down Option and press the “Restore” button

Windows Users,

Hold down Shift and press the Restore button

4. Now browse the folder where you have the iPhone firmware.Select the firmware & hit the restore button and cross your fingers for 5 minutes.

5. Ignore error message like 1011, 1013, 1015 (Actually the firmware 2.2.1 is already successfully installed)
6.Use QuickPWN 2.2.5 to Jailbreak iPhone Firmware 2.2.1